Monday, March 30, 2009


Scale weight = 61.7 kg

Training = 4.30 am 30 min tready walk, 5.40 am Chest/Biceps/Front & Rear Delts + 15 mins elliptical

Feeling = Thought I would be feeling stupid, foggy, forgetful, tired, etc that comes with carb depleting but nope feeling good. Maybe I'm not depleted enough yet to cross over into blabberville? I am, however, pissed off that I was woken at 3 am by the smoke detector bipping cause the battery was low. Hubby disconnected it, came back to bed, then the other one started. Up again for disconnection and I decided best to get up then rather than go back to sleep only to be woken in 1/2 an hour by the alarm. As I got to work early decided I do my cardio before 1st client then just a tad after weights. The scales surprised me this morning with a 100 gram (same same Katie) increase.
Overall, getting through the past couple of days with ease. Looking forward to tomorrow's carb up. Off to see Jo again today for some more posing practice - yeehah!