Thursday, November 20, 2008


Scale weight = down 0.3 to 69.2 kg

Training = 30 min early morning walk then 45 min metabolic workout with Nicole

Feeling - much much better after losing it last night and getting unnecessarily angry over reading something. I was very very tired and extremely hungry all day yesterday and knew I needed some carbs but needed someone else (Liz) to tell me to do so. So, after a big 80 gram bowl of the old trusty oats and protein powder, which by the way didn't even touch the sides, decided to head to bed at 7.30 pm rather than stay up thinking about my hunger and tiredness and continue to be pissed off.

This morning upon heading to the gym at 4.30 am got just about there to find the road closed due to the creek rising up over the road. Apparently we had another storm last night, which I slept through. There is devastation, debris, flooding everywhere however we were lucky with only the neighbours tree falling down on our fence and clothes line. Watching the news is really upsetting hearing about the damage and people losing their lives. Another storm is predicted tonight so fingers crossed we continue to stay out of trouble.