Sunday, November 9, 2008


Scale weight = up 0.1 kg (Nice!)

Training = early morning 1hr walk then mid morning absolutely awesome back and triceps workout with Nicole followed by 15 mins elliptical, 15 mins treadmill walking, stretch, foam roller release, sauna.

Feeling = Absolutely amazing. Gobsmacked at my back. Confident that I've broken through my last number barrier with the scales. As they only rose 0.1 kg I'm definately at the next number. Bloody strong today at training.

I remember once reading a post of Katie's detailing her morning ritual. As I do every morning, rise and head straight down the stairs holding onto the handrail with my eyes half closed feeling my abs (fat) listening to the creak in my knees and thinking if there's any pain. Head straight to the laundry, feed cat (Mrs Mia Wallace), head to my bathroom, loo stop, step on scales, read the number, make comment, brush teeth, wash face, etc, loo stop again then step on scales again (I can usually get another 0.1 kg by doing this and I'm taking every 1 I can get). This morning I felt my abs again then looked in the mirror and seen a very faint outline of my abs. This is the first time I've noticed the middle blocks so I took a photo on my phone (not very clear so look hard):

Then I emailed Nicole to take her camera to the gym to get a back double bicep shot (hmmm, really need to build bigger biceps):

And also one of me and my beloved red frogs:

I'm off now to wax, shave and get shuper shexy for hubby's return this arvo then walking up to Baskin Robbins for the usual Sunday afternoon tea.

Oh, and almost forgot. I emailed Jo Rogers last night about a new bikini. Getting the ball rolling!