Friday, October 9, 2009


Who says the female body shouldn't have some fat on it? Who says that curves aren't beautiful? Who says we have to be scarecrow skinny? Who says that leanness is attractive? Who says muscles equal sexy? Who says six pack abs equals happiness?

Did my husband love me more when I was on stage the leanest I've ever been? Did my friends love me any less when I had more body fat? Underneath the external I was still the same person with a different outer shell. So, what is my ideal body? I honestly don't know. My set point has been tampered with too many times to know where my body would naturally be geared to maintain. But what I do know is that my body is exactly the right shape and size in this moment. I know that I am beautiful. I know that my body is a manifestation of my thoughts and will re-balance when it is ready. I know that it will take action and hard work to turn possibility into reality. And I know I want to show it the love and respect it is worthy of and deserves.