Thursday, October 8, 2009


When I "lost" weight I always found it again - eventually. If diets worked then how come I was always on one? Wouldn't it be the case of buy 1 diet for the rest of my life? Fact is - DIETS DON'T WORK (for me)!! Loads of diet studies rate a 96 to 98 percent failure rate. The few who do manage to keep the kilos off are those who make a living out of weight control. For the rest it's a case of "giving up, blowing it - again, I'm hopeless and other self-destructive thoughts". I'd hate to estimate the amount of money I have spent in my dieting career. From programs (Jenny Craig), to gadgets, to body shaping systems, lotions and potions, pills, not to mention ciggies. No wonder the diet industry is thriving. They've got billions of dollars invested in keeping a lie alive. And that's just money. What about the all the time and energy I wasted. How come we never see a follow up success story 5 or 10 years after we see the before and afters? I've got so many before and afters my hard drive is running out of memory.

The bottom line - Dieting doesn't work - period!

Just in case anyone gets their knickers in a knot over this, I've written it for me, myself and I and to remind myself to never, ever again go on one.