Sunday, October 11, 2009


A continual journey of self discovery.

When I live in my head I live with pain, confusion and fear. I become angry, negative, anxious, scared, depressed, and very tearful. I'm unable to sleep and resort to a sleeping tablet to zonk me out. My joints suffer. My knees are painful. My back aches. I am tortured and tormented by my toxic thoughts which go around and around and nowhere.

When I listen to my heart I am happy, positive, energetic, upbeat, awesome. My head then comes along to join the party and as if by magic everything falls into place. My body moves loosely and freely, my breathing is slow and controlled, my whole being is cool, calm and collected.

I had written an affirmation which I had been reading daily lots of times but I could feel resistance to it. An uneasiness I couldn't explain. I didn't believe what I had written and therefore it was never going to be real. I changed my affirmation and wrote one that really represents me and how I think and feel. I believe that if I live my life every day this way then my body will be a manifestation outwardly of what's on the inside.

I was graced with TOM's presence on Thursday, 5 weeks since he previously visited. I wondered if my hormones had wreaked havoc with my thoughts?

A lot more chilling, relaxation and self nuturing is in order. There's a whole lotta lovin' goin' on. I had a revelation that is changing my life forever!! It's something I had never THOUGHT possible before but I am now ready and willing and believe that with every sense of my being I am healing and becoming free. This is the most amazing, miraculous THOUGHT!! I want completion.