Monday, January 26, 2009


Scale weight = down 0.5 to 66.6 kg

Training = stairs again 35 mins then home for shoulder session in the garage

Feeling = not really sure - hot, sweaty, tired, bored! My chest is still sore from Friday's session with Liz. My hamstrings were not really liking Nicole very much going up the stairs this morning. We did have a great leg session yesterday. And even though it was Nicole's workout prescription I couldn't help but try and run the show and at one stage was threatened with a set of dumbbells when pushing Nicole to get a few more lunges in (hehehe). My knees were quite sore and fluidy last night and I probably shouldn't have done the stairs again and running this morning but I'm a fighter and can't help myself sometimes. Once the kids are back to school and settled I'm going to have some synovial fluid injections in both knees which might give me some relief for 12 months - fingers crossed.

We're off today for the good old Aussie bbq at a friend's so it will be nice to get out of the house.

Well, that's breaky down the hatch (whilst writing). Think I might go back to bed.