Friday, November 6, 2009


"I would much rather have the body I have now and the life I have now than any body I've had previously."

Accepting my body doesn't mean I'm delighted with all aspects of how I am, but it means that I can stop being critical about my reality in this moment and love what I see at this time. I can treat my body with respect, and understand that any body-hatred and self-loathing hampers my life and undermines my happiness. My Self, as well as my body, requires constant understanding, acceptance and love. I can stand before a mirror and own that this body is mine. I can appreciate my strong arms that allow me to lift heavy shit, my legs which take me where ever I want to go - walking or running. I can accept my womanly curves, my belly which has housed 3 babies, my stretch marks documenting my years of yo-yoing. I can love $10K well spent on boobies, my bright blue eyes, and being tall. And, most importantly, I now know that these physical aspects are only the external expression of my whole Self. I appreciate the complexity of my make-up without needing to choose a right or wrong way to be. I am contented with what is, inside and out.