Thursday, May 28, 2009


Scale weight = 61.6 kg

Training = 4 am "Stay Lean" circuit + cardio mix - 1 hr 15 mins

Feeling = Think you "can't"? It's because you don't believe you can. Think you can't get up early to train cause you're not a morning person? It's because you don't believe you can. Think you can't survive on lower calories? It's because you don't believe you can. Think you don't do well consuming carbohydrates? It's because you don't believe you can. Think you can't have just one? It's because you don't believe you can. Think you can't get to a certain weight? It's because you don't believe you can. Think you can't maintain a certain weight? It's because you don't believe you can. Heard the saying "whatever you believe, you can achieve"? It's true, believe it and start believing in yourself. I urge and encourage you to reframe your disbeliefs with beliefs. Write them down and read them out loud EVERY single day and eventually your mind has no choice but to believe them. I'm not saying it's easy, far from it. It takes time, patience, persistence and practice but what in this world doesn't? And besides, what have you got to lose? Nothing, but you have everything to gain. Open your arms, open your heart, open your mind. And BELIEVE!!

Before you start wondering if this is aimed/directed at you - it's not. Just me reflecting on when I changed my beliefs I changed my life.