Saturday, May 2, 2009


Nicole, WTF did you do to my scales whilst they were staying with you? (LOL)

It's like they've been having a wild party eating and drinking for 3 weeks.

I got them back yesterday and you know what the stupid fucks told me this morning? 63 kgs. Yep, sixty fucken three kilos! - yeah right, as if!

The last time I weighed myself on them, 3 weeks ago, they told me 62.8 kg so you can't tell me I'm not leaner and haven't dropped body fat in that time. Must be all that muscle I've grown (LOL).

Either I'm delirious or they are, I'm thinking the later.

So, you see boys and girls, sometimes the number is so insignificant you just have to laugh and say "fuck you".

I'm off to lift some iron, admire my leanness, throw a flex or two, and pose more of my arse off!