In the early hours of last Sunday morning I googled "why calories don't count" and was led to this blog.
I read and read and read every single blog post and found myself nodding yes, yes, yes. I knew that it was meant to be and I simply had to go and see this lady.
I've been doing fantastically well on my own, not weighing, measuring or pinching myself, not weighing my food at all other than for a recipe for consistency purposes (eg pancakes), asking myself what it is that I actually feel like eating, I have no idea of percentages of proteins, fats and carbs, not logging my food and as you've no doubt noticed been working every single day with my mind by practising, reading, writing, talking and feeling. And best of all living a wonderful life. And strangely enough my body is getting leaner each day without trying.
I had an appointment at Life After Diets yesterday afternoon. What struck me most about Karla is that she was REAL!! She was lean AND muscular. Not some skinny chick with no tone about her body. She told me parts of her story, I told her parts of mine - where I've been, what I've done, what I'm now doing. I'm definately on the right track but still have a few thoughts that I'd like to break through. I still find myself occasionally guessing and adding up calories in my head, and although fat loss is not my focus I still wish it to happen therefore worried about eating too much. I'm confident that with Karla's help I will overcome these mind fucks. She was proof, right before my very eyes, that what I'm aiming for is more than possible, it's my reality. I'm going to do the 5 stage program starting next Wednesday.
In the meantime I'll continue doing what I'm doing, living and loving life with my husband, children and friends. And not forgetting lifting my heavy shit which I absolutely love. Training wise I do only what I want to do. Eating wise I eat only what I want to eat. And feeling only what I want to feel - FUCKING AWESOME!!