Monday, August 31, 2009


My Lift Heavy Shit Training got changed today unbeknownst to me so to say I wasn't prepared for it is an understatement although I did really really enjoy it, in some sick kind of way. Today was the introduction, warm-up and finding some starting weights so next week will surely be puke/pee worthy.

Fixed Rep Barbell Squats
- 45 kgs x 50 reps (4 sets to get done - 15, 15, 10, 10)

DB Bench Press
- 15 kgs x 19 reps + 1
- 17.5 kgs x 13 reps

Seated Military Barbell Press
- 35 kgs x 17 reps (fail)
- 38 kgs x 17 reps (fail)

DB Seated Bicep Curls
- 10 kgs x 20 reps (cheating left arm)
- 10 kgs x 20 reps (alternating - still cheating)