Thank you for your kindness, understanding and support over the past couple of years.
It is now that this blog says goodbye. It has served it's purpose. Allowing me to express my innermost thoughts and desires.
Thank you for joining me on my ride. Some of you laughed, cried, sympathised or just thought I was a headfucked delusional dickhead. Whatever you thought I'm glad you were reading and thinking yourself.
It is time for me to walk on the path of my next chapter. They say as one chapter ends, another begins. The next chapter will focus on more important aspects of my life, not on food, dieting, competing, bodies or anything of the kind. That part of my life is finished. Although there may be some lifting of heavy shit mentioned.
It has been a pleasure.
Love always
PS If you would like to read the next chapter shoot me an email ss2306@bigpond.net.au and I'll send you an invite when it's all up and running.